Every Year Starts with PEEP Seeger: This is especially poignant this year on the 50th Anniversary of the Assassination of Martin Luther King. Pete introduced Dr. King to "We Shall Overcome" at the Highlander School. It became the anthem of the movement
A Ode to the Environment
And Then There Were None- Destroying the last of the wildlife species in the world-
Dedicated to Parkland and all of the 33,000 who die from gun violence each year
Comic Relief- and lightening
If I hear one more PEEP out of you I am going to turn this car around and take you home!!!
Resist- With all those women who changed the world because they resisted oppression
The Ship of State is Sinking- Those on the side on life rafts are the deplorable brought to Washington by this administration. They will all go down!
Why do PEEPs like to eat snails? Because they hate fast food!
A PEEP is like a teabag. You don't know how strong she is until she's in hot water.
Just like the Lilliputians captured Gulliver, the PEEPs capture an monster and will rend him harmless and save the world.

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