Here is an article that I have been sent about a labor dispute that is taking place between Just Born, the company that manufactures PEEPs, Mike and Ikes, Red Hot Tamales and Goldenberg Peanut Chews. We are highly disturbed by this. If the union does not prevail on the pension issues, we will not be able to continue purchasing the thousands of PEEPs we use every year for this show, nor will we continue with this show. We stand with the workers who deserve, now and in the future, to benefit from their labor and loyalty to the company.
We love PEEPs and even more than that, we love Bob Born, the inventor of PEEPs. This has been an honorable company in the past. We ask that they honor the union and its demands.
Saturday, April 7, 2018
Friday, April 6, 2018
Thanks to all who made the PEEPs show 2018 so successful.
Thanks to our wonderful judges who bravely (some of them) publicly stuck their necks out to vote for their five favorite PEEPs. Picured are Mayor Pam Triolo, Editor Mark Easton and Judy Easton.
Not pictured but helpful in the decisive decision was Julio Poletti of the Palm Beach Post. There were three other judges who wish to remain anonymous.
Not pictured but helpful in the decisive decision was Julio Poletti of the Palm Beach Post. There were three other judges who wish to remain anonymous.
Mark Easton, Judy Easton, Pam Triolo
Julio Poletti

This PEEPs Compilation got 1936 Votes - I think the content had a lot to do with it and it Speaks Volumes about the Climate
1836 votes for Joyce's Collage of PEEPs
Every Year Starts with PEEP Seeger: This is especially poignant this year on the 50th Anniversary of the Assassination of Martin Luther King. Pete introduced Dr. King to "We Shall Overcome" at the Highlander School. It became the anthem of the movement
Every Year Starts with PEEP Seeger: This is especially poignant this year on the 50th Anniversary of the Assassination of Martin Luther King. Pete introduced Dr. King to "We Shall Overcome" at the Highlander School. It became the anthem of the movement
A Ode to the Environment
And Then There Were None- Destroying the last of the wildlife species in the world-
Dedicated to Parkland and all of the 33,000 who die from gun violence each year
Comic Relief- and lightening
If I hear one more PEEP out of you I am going to turn this car around and take you home!!!
Resist- With all those women who changed the world because they resisted oppression
The Ship of State is Sinking- Those on the side on life rafts are the deplorable brought to Washington by this administration. They will all go down!
Why do PEEPs like to eat snails? Because they hate fast food!
A PEEP is like a teabag. You don't know how strong she is until she's in hot water.
Just like the Lilliputians captured Gulliver, the PEEPs capture an monster and will rend him harmless and save the world.

The winner from 2nd place thru 10th place The numbers next to each exhibit are the numbers of votes each one got
The "Joyce Brown Collage of Dioramas" got 1836 votes. I will post this last, in the next post, as there are 11 different elements to this exhibit. Here are the winners from #2 thru #10
Exodus-Stan and Susan Horcharik 1252 votes
Claudia Levi
Last Supper 896
Sara Ortiz PEEP-Tona
Hammock Point Elementary School Beach ll
Lake Worth High School OlymPEEPS 620
Caia and The Salerno Family The PEEP-Cracker Suite 524
Ruth Lynch
Save the BEEpS 496
Nancy Costello
Julia PEEPs Kitchen 488
Chloe Pearson Moore Ice Skaing OlymPEEPs 436
Here are the winners numbers 11-20
Cypress Trail Elementary School PEEPS Concert 434
Wreck of the PEEPs Express Bruce Brown
Nancy Costello
PEEPs Rally 423
Lake Worth High School Mary
PEEPins 396
Lake Worth High School Where's PEEP-o 387
Angelina Raya
Let's Make a Deal 358
Jennifer Gironda PEEP-Moji
Hammock Pointe Elementary PEEPlix
Jacinda, Melissa 345
Hammock Point Elementary School Sophia, Gina, Gabriella Super PEEPs
20. Bruce
Brown- The Talking PEEPs Xpress 264
Did I forget to photograph our beloved train. It tooted and whistled and spoke and blew smoke rings. Bruce really did it up this year. It didn't fall off of the tracks- even once.
There were 30 exhibits that were voted on this year. Here they are in groups of 10
Switch #28 around with #30 and you about have this
21 Hammock Point Elementary School Danger-
PEEPs At Work 252
Worth High School Sesame PEEPs 252
Miles Raya
Easter Egg Hunt 240
Claudia Levi Impermanence 235
Lake Worth HS
Mer_PEEPs 224
Melanie Raya
Family Feud 198
(this file wouldn't show- will try to bring it up later)
Lake Worth High School Be Nice to PEEPs 188
Fashion PEEPS Karen Valasquez 182
Nancy Costello
PEEPer Pooper 138
30. Lake
Worth High School Fashion MSDHS 88
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